Generating a Facebook fan page . Facebook has over 1000
million active user.A fan page will give you a lot more contact, not only the present
members but members friends as well. After all share your contain on facebook for
get more traffic.
6. Forum Posting
There are a lot of categories forum in the internet. People share
their varies kind of thoughts, editorial,
topics hear. So find the right forums which related with your site/blog with
the biggest user base and start submitting post there. The major number of forums
will allow you to leave a link to your website / blog in your post or article .
So let’s start forum posting.
7. From Squidoo
Squidoo is a website where you get more visitor .That site
allows you to create a lense. A lense is a page about a definite topic
that you decide to write on the subject of. When you create your lense
other people can find it by searching throw keywords related to your lense.
After Creating a lense on Squidoo gives you two kinds of traffic
When people search with the keywords which related to your
lense, it will on occasion show up in the top search. So from hear you can get
more traffic for your website/blog.
Another one, Squidoo has a giant society of active users. Over ten million
visitor visit Squidoo in a month still growing. So from hear you can get more
visitor to your website by communicate.